English Learner Advisory Committee
The ELAC advises the SSC on the development and implementation of an effective supplemental program and/or services for participating English Learner (EL) students according to the Master Plan.
The purpose of EL education programs is to provide eligible students the opportunity to acquire the English language skills necessary for successful participation in an English-Only instructional program. This purpose is accomplished through various structured English immersion models and primary language support. A Home Language Survey and an individualized language assessment determine eligibility (classification as limited English-Proficient [LEP]) for the program. Students are transitioned into an English-Only program when they meet district-established criteria for reclassification as Fluent-English proficient (RFEP). An English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) must be established and participates in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the local school EL program. EL programs receive funding from the State. To learn more about ELAC please view the Orientations & Elections Handbook. (Spanish)